Volunteer Spotlight: Becky Richards

IMG_8650According to Becky Richards, she has always been advocating for children. She may not have always been heard, but she was constantly fighting for those who didn’t have a voice. With a career in preschool and special education, Becky knew her advocacy wouldn’t end when she left the public school system and heard of CASA through a colleague who had adopted twins. When she retired, Becky knew just what was next.

That leads us to the infamous CASA interview mentioned earlier. Hurrying from an afternoon working with special needs teenagers, Becky arrived to the CASA office in sweats. She had NO idea she would be seated at a table with what seemed liked ten professionals staring at her. They grilled her to make sure her intentions were genuine, and her commitment was real. She laughs about how nervous she was but knows that the screening is absolutely necessary. Foster children have already been through so much. Their advocates can’t be flippant.

In her three years serving as a CASA volunteer, Becky has worked five cases. The most memorable was her first. The toddler in the case had been so badly beaten she was transported via helicopter to Children’s Hospital. The young, biological mother was not the abuser and was herself a product of foster care. Becky worked a very complicated case to find a solution that would allow the child to be out of harm’s way but still have contact with her biological mother. The solution wasn’t easy, but Becky was committed to speaking up for the best interest of the child.

Becky works multiple cases as a seasoned advocate. She hasn’t taken every case that has come her way, but she believes this work is very rewarding and that she absolutely makes a difference. Becoming an advocate isn’t for everyone. But when asked why she continues to volunteer, her response is simple, “It’s what I’m supposed to do.” We agree, Becky. Thank you for impacting so many lives.

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