Volunteer Spotlight: Kemetric Bailey

Kemetric Bailey joined our corps of nearly 300 volunteers in April 2017. When she moved to Northwest Arkansas in 2010, she began looking for a way to use her passion for children and individuals in crisis to make an impact. After hearing about CASA from a presentation at the Walmart home office, she felt the calling.  As a victim of childhood abuse, Kemetric knew she had the understanding and compassion these children needed to begin to heal.

Kathy and Kemetric, quite a CASA pair!

Most rookies take “an easier case” – one with a single child or rather straightforward circumstances. Interestingly, her supervisor knew Kemetric wasn’t like most rookies and presented her with a rather unusual request. If they paired her up with a seasoned advocate, would Kemetric consider a case with 7 siblings? While it sounded daunting, Kemetric understood that if she didn’t agree to take the case, there was no telling how long these children would be on the waitlist for a CASA. And just like that, Kemetric was paired with a wonderful advocate, Kathy Redding. They work together beautifully, sharing the good times and the bad, to advocate for the best interests of these children.

Working full-time and having her own family, how is it that Kemetric finds the time to serve? By pairing with another advocate, Kemetric says it is absolutely doable, “There are twenty-four hours in a day. We don’t use them all, and five minutes on social media can easily turn into an hour or two. Instead, why not use that time toward a cause where you can really make a difference?”

Kemetric finds her CASA work extremely rewarding, but admits it’s not always easy to serve. Beyond the time commitment, how do you answer a 12 year-old who asks if they will ever be adopted?  Or if he will see his younger siblings again?  While emotionally taxing, that’s where you can really leave your mark.  “I tell ‘Peter’ every time I see him that regardless of his current circumstances, he can become much more than that,” shares Kemetric. “It’s incredibly rewarding and humbling to help these children see the positive in their challenging lives.”

To learn if you might be a good fit as an advocate, click here.