April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

Every year in April, you can find pinwheels throughout Northwest Arkansas (and across the nation!) spinning brightly in spring winds. These pinwheels, which often bring childhood innocence and playfulness to mind, are a national symbol for Child Abuse Prevention Month. During April, communities across the United States plant pinwheels as a reminder that child abuse and neglect are 100% preventable.

Strong and supported families are better equipped to care appropriately for children. Communities that are invested in ensuring that all families can thrive help stop child abuse and neglect before it even starts!

The Child Welfare Information Gateway has identified six protective factors that help families thrive:

  1. Attachment and nurturing in relationships
  2. Education about child/youth development and positive parenting practices
  3. Parental resilience
  4. Social connections
  5. Concrete support for families
  6. Positive social/emotional skills in children

CASA volunteers can play a vital role in helping the families that they serve thrive. CASA volunteers support not only the children on their cases but also the parents, grandparents, and

extended family members. CASA volunteers help connect children and families to community resources, find creative solutions to problems, and offer themselves as listening ears when needed.

As advocates for children who have already experienced abuse and neglect, CASA volunteers are committed to ensuring a consistent voice, safe home, and promising future for their CASA kids. Often, this is accomplished by supporting and working to equip families for successful reunification with their children. Setting families up for success is key to preventing future abuse and neglect.

This April, we invite you to get involved in National Child Abuse and Prevention Month by supporting our mission and work at CASA of NWA!

How can I get involved?

  1. Register for a CASA 101 information session and learn more about becoming an advocate
  2. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  3. Donate to CASA of Northwest Arkansas
  4. Visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway to learn more about their approach to prevention